The Illinois Lamb & Wool Producers Mentors
Let's Grow Our Flock

The goal of the Let's Grow initiative is to ensure that the U.S. Sheep industry is sustainable for future producers of lamb and wool. Increasing production efficiencies at the farm gate will assist in the sustainability of the industry's insfrastructure.
The American Sheep Industry Association is working with the industry - producer leader, researchers, extension agents, company representatives and other industry organizations - to encourage sheep producers to improve production efficiencies in light of the high costs of feed, fuel and other costs of production.
A strategy to strengthen the lamb and wool industry's infrastructure by making progress in sheep management and production is vital for long-term sustainability of the industry.
As a part of the "Let's Grow" campaign, ASI is working with state organizations to establish a mentor program. The mentor program is designed to connect new producers with experienced sheep producers.
Following is a list of Mentors:
Brad Angus, Ottawa, IL 815-433-2946, bangus@jjc.edu
Julie Barr, DeKalb, IL 815-758-5414, barrfarm1@frontier.com
Kirby Ballard, Carrolton, IL
Terry Becherer,
Trenton, IL
Cathe Caple, Sidney, IL 217-493-8019
Ann & Dan Crider, Arrowsmith, IL 309-727-1154, criderfarms@gmail.com
Harold Davis, Odell, IL hbdavis@maxwire.com
Brian Houser, Buffalo, IL houserb@wcusd15.org
Elton Mau, Arrowsmith, IL emaufarm@gmail.com
Gene McGrew, Bushnell, IL 309-825-5435, cempos@bushnell.net
Lance Steckel, Winchester, IL
Richard Woodcock, Waterloo, IL 618-939-8536, woodcock@htc.net
Walt Stubbs, Corbden, IL
Jane Zeien, Belvidere, IL 815-544-9582, jzcci@aol.com